Ip Man Wing Chun in the tradition of South Shaolin

Wing Chun Ip Man

Tao Chan Wing Chun Organisation

International Webpage

The way back to the Shaolin founders Abbess Ng Mui and Abbot Chi Sim of South Shaolin
Supported by the Warriors for protecting Shaolin Chan in Eternal Spring

"In a grove of tall bamboo,
next to an ancient temple.
Steam rises from the fire bowl,
in white fragrant clouds.
I will show you the way of the wise
which goes beyond this temporary world.
But will you understand Eternal Spring?"

(The "Eternal Spring", highest art of the South Shaolin to which Ip Man Wing Chun points.
Poetry of Chan rooted in Shaolin)

Established by the Buddhist Chan Abbot and Wing Chun Grandmaster, Abbot Venerable Chi Sim, Worldwide only Monk Grandmaster with the 11th Monk level Wing Chun above all Wing Chun lineages, for 30 years student of the oldest son of Grandmaster Ip Man, Prof. Dr. Ip Chun as well as direct disciple of the Chan Patriarch Venerable Park, in direct lineage back to the founder of Shaolin monastery, Kung Fu and Chan Bodhidharma.

Abbot Chi Sim is a full ordinate Buddhist monk (Bhikkhu) with teaching permitt in Buddhism.

Worldwide first and only lineage, which is uniting the main line of the Ip Man Wing Chun lineage with the main line of Chan Buddhism in direct lineage back to the founder of Shaolin, Bodhidharma, after the destruction of the South Shaolin 350 years ago under the Shaolin Abbot Chi Sim.

Grand Master Venerable Chi Sim was for over 25 years the oldest and only student of Grandmaster Prof. Dr. Ip Chun (the eldest son of Grandmaster Ip Man in Hong Kong) in the German speaking area for Ip Man Wing Chun, who holds a Sifu title in the Ip Chun lineage with teaching permission. He has over 40 years of experience in Ip Man Wing Chun, from 1996 for 30 years directly under Grandmaster Prof. Dr. Ip Chun in Hong Kong.

Grand Master Venerable Chi Sim did have the longest time of all Sifus living in the West lessons under Grandmaster Ip Chun directly in Hong Kong, including private lessons. He holds a Hong Kong passport and his second home is for many years located in Hong Kong, where he also spend more than half of the year. There are several Sifus, including of Chinese heritage, who started more than 10 years earlier, however, spend only a few weeks every few years in Hong Kong.  

Venerable Chi Sim is as Abbot also in charge for educating new Chan monks and a 81st generation Chan monk in direct line to the historical Buddha as well as a 54th generation Chan monk in the direct line of the founder of Shaolin, Bodhidharma. He is a direct student for many years of the Chan patriarch Dr. Park and in the of Korean Warrior monks dating back to Shaolin.

Friend of the last descendant of Confucius, Prof. Dr. Kong Teh-Cheng, also called “The last Sage”, with written permission to teach Confucianism in western society.

Special features of Tao Chan Wing Chun as Ip Man Wing Chun style:

No need to become a Buddhist, open to all faiths

Traditional teaching style of Ip Man Wing Chun using our famous “family values” combined with modern teaching methods

All students are taught the same knowledge in the normal group lesson without holding anything back depending on their student level and their skills.

Voluntary competitions in full contact, as in the old days of Ip Man Wing Chun.

Lessons in Chinese philosophies, medicine, meditation.

Reintroduction of the in traditional Ip Man Wing Chun lost ground fighting skills in the master levels

No expensive lessons fees in the teacher levels as otherwise common by many money focused associations of Ip Man Wing Chun.

Lessons in the 3rd form (Biu Tze) of  Ip Man Wing Chun already in the student levels after only 2 years (in many other organizations only after more than 10 years of membership) and lessons in the wooden dummy form already after 5 years (in many other organizations only after more than 15-20 years of membership), as well as lessons in the long pole form (Lok Dim Bun) and the double knives (Baat Cham Dao).

The World's only Wing Chun organization that teaches beyond the Baat Cham Dao level of  Ip Man Wing Chun, dating back to the tradition of South Shaolin. 

The nowadays known Ip Man Wing Chun system is already completed with the 6th master level, but Tao Chan Wing Chun includes 10 master levels, much more than the original Ip Man Wing Chun.

Application of the weapon forms contrary to the traditional Ip Man Wing Chun also extended and adapted to the modern world.

More information about Ip Man Wing Chun in the style of South Shaolin can be found in the respective menus on the left, which are divided into further submenus with deeper information (appearing) after clicking on the main menu!

 Ip Man Wing Chun - The Original!

"Shaolin is Chan, it is not Kung Fu"

(last words of the last real abbot of Shaolin, who survived the last fire of the Shaolin Monastery in 1928, 
shortly before his death).

"Unfortunately, many of his words were unheard or misunderstood, and even in many of the Ip Man Wing Chun / Wing Tsun schools, whether in the West or Hong Kong, Buddhist values were lost and replaced by the “god of the ego and money”, pseudo ideologies about Chan and Confucianism have been spread and the true values have been trampled on. I could not find Buddhism in Hong Kong's Ip Man Wing Chun any more, it is time that these changes, the Chan Sword of Wisdom will restore Chan's values in Ip Man Wing Chun! "
(Statement by Venerable Chi Sim after completing his research in the spring of 2017 before giving away a statue of the Bodhisattva Guanyin, representative of mercy to Sifu Ip Chun as a sign of the return of Buddhist values to various Ip Man Wing Chun / Wing Tsun people Sifu titles. This did unfortunately not stop other Sifus, even Senior Sifus due to jealousy and greed for money to further trample on the values of Buddhism in the Ip Man Wing Chun)

We return to the origins of the Ip Man Wing Chun - to Abbot Chi Sim!

Learn the original Ip Man Wing Chun in the original style of the founder Shaolin Abbot Chi Sim in the reunited lineage for the first time in 350 years!

Grandmaster Venerable Chi Sim in his Buddhist monk robes of Chan Buddhism going back to Shaolin lineage

Grandmaster Venerable Chi Sim in the traditional outfit of the warriors of South Shaolin with the original longer and sharp Tao Chan Wing Chun Double Knives.
Ip Man Wing Chun
Grandmaster Venerable Chi Sim in his Buddhist monk robes of Chan Buddhism going back to Shaolin lineage

Wing Chun Ip Man Chi Sim
Grandmaster Venerable Chi Sim in his Buddhist monk robes of Chan Buddhism going back to Shaolin lineage
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